Because of the nature of the work undertaken by Nottingham Forest Community Trust (NFCT), it is required by law to have in place robust safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure the protection of children, young people and adults at risk. To ensure that NFCT meets that duty - and as part of a proactive, integrated and consistent approach to safeguarding - the organisation has developed a Safeguarding Handbook.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk and protect them from harm. Safeguarding means protecting people from abuse, maltreatment, neglect, harm and/or exploitation. Through NFCT setting up and following good safeguarding policies and procedures, it means that
children, young people and adults at risk - that come into contact with our organisation - are protected from those that might pose a risk. All organisations that work with (or come into contact with) children, young people and adults at risk are required to have safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure that everyone - regardless of their age, gender, religion or ethnicity - can be protected from harm.
NFCT’s Safeguarding Ethos
NFCT will always seek to provide protection to any person that receives our services. To this end NFCT will provide staff and volunteers with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the event that they suspect a person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm. NFCT believes that a no one should ever experience abuse of any kind. NFCT have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk to keep them safe. NFCT are committed to work in a way that protects them. This Safeguarding Policy Statement applies to everyone that comes into contact with NFCT - including as applicable - the Board of Directors & Executive Team, Senior Managers, Staff, Agency Staff, Contractors, Suppliers, Volunteers, Students on work experience, as well as anyone else working on behalf of NFCT. This policy also applies to any other person that engages with the work of NFCT and includes parents, carers, families and other visitors to NFCT premises.
Safeguarding at NFCT
NFCT places the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk as its prime focus and has developed full safeguarding policies and procedures. To underpin the approach, NFCT ensures all of its management team, staff members and volunteers have been fully trained in safeguarding to enable the organisation to live and breathe its
approach. In developing NFCT’s safeguarding policies and procedures, the organisation has adopted the following three-part safeguarding strategy which focuses on:
Getting the right people involved with NFCT This is achieved through adherence to NFCT’s Safer Recruitment Policies and Procedures.
Creating a safe environment for children, young people & adults at risk
This is achieved by providing all required safeguarding training, support and best practice advice; and further guidance by the effective communication of NFCT’s Codes of Conduct.
Promoting clear systems to deal with any safeguarding concerns
This is achieved through implementation of all NFCT’s policies and procedures relating to safeguarding.
A full copy of NFCT’s Safeguarding Handbook is available by speaking with
(or contacting) the NFCT person responsible for safeguarding.
Any person with a safeguarding concern or complaint - or who requires
safeguarding support and advice - should not hesitate to contact the
appropriate member of NFCT’s designated Safeguarding Team.
NFCT’s Internal Safeguarding Contacts:
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Chloe Bingham
Safeguarding & Risk Manager
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
Liam Searle
Head of Operations
Other Useful Safeguarding Contacts:
Local Police Emergency 999 & Non-Emergency 101
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 or
ChildLine 0800 1111 (or text phone 0800 400 222) or